
What is WakeID?

WakeID is a one-stop solution that simplifies the process of managing your business data and ensures your online presence is secure. It is a cloud-based platform that provides businesses with a centralized location to manage and control their user accounts, devices, and applications.
With WakeID, businesses can manage their data and applications in a streamlined manner, making it easier to access, control, and share information with their employees. It allows businesses to create and manage user accounts and assign roles and permissions to ensure that the right people have access to the right information.

Why Do You Need WakeID?

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to manage their operations. As such, it is essential to ensure that your online presence is secure and your data is protected. WakeID provides businesses with a robust security framework that protects their data and applications from cyber threats.
Moreover, WakeID simplifies the process of managing your business data, making it easier to access and control. It eliminates the need for multiple login credentials, reducing the risk of data breaches. WakeID also provides businesses with real-time visibility into their user accounts, devices, and applications, enabling them to make informed decisions.

How Does WakeID Work?

WakeID works by providing businesses with a centralized location to manage and control their user accounts, devices, and applications. It allows businesses to create and manage user accounts, assign roles and permissions, and control access to their data and applications.
WakeID also provides businesses with a single sign-on (SSO) feature that eliminates the need for multiple login credentials. This feature simplifies the process of accessing business data, making it easier to manage and control.

What are the Benefits of WakeID?

WakeID offers numerous benefits to businesses, including:
  • Robust security framework
  • Real-time visibility into user accounts, devices, and applications
  • Centralized location to manage and control data and applications
  • Single sign-on feature
  • Elimination of multiple login credentials
  • Simplified process of managing business data


What is the cost of WakeID?

WakeID offers various pricing plans to suit the needs of different businesses. The cost of WakeID depends on the size of your business and the number of users you need to manage.

Is WakeID easy to use?

Yes, WakeID is incredibly easy to use. It has an intuitive user interface that enables businesses to manage their data and applications with ease.


WakeID is the ultimate solution for businesses looking to simplify the process of managing their data and applications. It provides a centralized location to manage and control user accounts, devices, and applications, making it easier to access and control business data. With WakeID, businesses can improve their online security and streamline their operations, enabling them to focus on what matters most - growing their business.